Settles Bridge to Leaksville Landing
10 miles 4 to 5 hours
Just below the put in is a small rapid created by the rubble from the original bridge. The easy channel is on river left near the bank. Eagle Falls island is about a mile farther. The “falls” are in the right channel and only create a problem during low water. The batteau sluice is on the left of the left channel. This was the site of the town of Jackson located at the then head of navigation on the Dan. Here you enter “The Bent” a large bend where the river turns first due east then due west. You will travel 3 mile by river to cover ¼ mile as the crow flies. Whetstone creek on river left marks the half way point. The NC770 (loop road) bridge is at mile 8. The take out is under the Leaksville Landing bridge on river left.